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The Book: Design Direction Fall '11 | clickbooq.temp.f541.jpg

Design for The Book Fall '11  introduces new graphic design, typography, voice, and department sections:Cover, CEO Letter, Table of Contents, Fashion Director Trend Report, Look Who's Here, In The Mix, Fab Finds, Little Gems, Beauty Book, InCircle Rewards, Events, etc.. 
DD:Derek Witcher   D:Larry Oliver, Jerod Dame  AD:Bennett & Elia  P:Norman Jean Roy

Design for The Book Fall '11 introduces new graphic design, typography, voice, and department sections:Cover, CEO Letter, Table of Contents, Fashion Director Trend Report, Look Who's Here, In The Mix, Fab Finds, Little Gems, Beauty Book, InCircle Rewards, Events, etc.. DD:Derek Witcher D:Larry Oliver, Jerod Dame AD:Bennett & Elia P:Norman Jean Roy

NM Corp: The Book IO/II